Photo Gallery as Post

Photo Gallery as Post

I take a lot of photos, certainly with the smartphone I always have in my pocket but also often with an actual camera (my well-traveled Sony a6000).  Casual shots often end up being shared in isolation via SMS, Slack or social media, while special events or travels generally end up with an album of selected photos on Flickr.  As part of exploring a more IndieWeb way of sharing what I’m up to via my own personal site, I began to wonder how to integrate into that my established photo workflows.

That turned into a lively discussion at this week’s IndieWeb Camp Amsterdam, with some great suggestions from folks already bringing their photos into their posting stream.   IndieWeb post types include ‘photo’ which is perfect for casual photos taken along the way, but I didn’t want a collection of twenty of thirty pictures from an organized album to turn into a long string of individual photo posts.  And there is no ‘photo gallery’, which could either directly represent an album of my photos on Flickr, or gather a set of ‘photo’ posts as a single, aggregate one.  A simple compromise we reached during the IndieWeb Camp discussion is to create a general ‘note’ post that links to the Flickr album.

One happy by product of this conversation was hearing that many people like using Flickr for their personal photo collections, and that Flickr has an excellent API for scripted access.  That offers possibilities for future more automated or micropub integration, but I’ll begin now with the manual way and see what I learn as I go.  Stay tuned for my first test of that…